Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The U.S. Supreme Court

 A supreme court is typically the highest court in its respective country. But the Supreme Court of the United States, is the highest, most powerful court in the world. The supreme court has the ability to not only hear the appeals from both state and federal courts, but they also hold the power to initiate judicial review; keeping the branches of government in check through the checks and balances system. It is because of this, and many other reasons, that it is so perplexing to me that most look toward the President when voicing their opinions/concerns with the government and the nation's current state; when it is the Judicial branch that serves as an anchor holding this nation and its people steady. 

Based on the videos I've watched and the articles I've read, it seems there are many things about the supreme court that I was not already aware of. One of the biggest things that comes to mind for me was the quantity of requests and the process of granting certiorari. In the video, they explained how they receive over one hundred cases weekly, tallying up to about seven thousand a year; all of which have to be individually read and contemplated by members of the court. They then hold these weekly conferences to make decisions on these specific cases, such as which to grant/deny certiorari to. One of the key things in the discussion the justices had when breaking down that process was the concept of if they deny certiorari to a specific case, it does not mean it has been officially ruled on by the supreme court. This was definitely news to me,  as it implied it is not about right or wrong/agreement or disagreement, as much as it is about if it is a ruling worthy of reviewing by the high court. This is also applicable to the idea of equality. As they mentioned in the video, high priced attorneys versus a prisoner writing their petitions are not ever a part of the consideration process, further implementing that sense of equality; even in the most tedious and large quantity aspect of the Supreme Court's duties. 

Another thing worth noting that I had never known or even considered before about the Supreme Court, is how they inadvertently communicate with each other through the attorneys during oral arguments. In the video, they demonstrated and explained how during oral arguments, they often ask certain questions, not always for their benefit, but also to inadvertently raise awareness or provoke certain thoughts to their other justices. I thought this way of communicating is extremely effective and a fascinating way to communicate with each other, given that there are so many minds operating in different ways when hearing a case. This is a great way to ensure all their minds/thought processes are maybe not on the same page, but at least in the same chapter.

Moving forward, the most surprising thing I have learned after my research of the Supreme Court, was that they, despite being the most powerful judges in the country, cannot act upon a case unless it is brought to them first, or a appeal for certiorari is requested. Although I am well aware each justice taking cases on personal vendettas/opinions would not be equal or fair, it was just one of those things I feel like we as a society are trained to think; all people with great power, abuse it. For the Supreme Court however, that could not be any farther from the truth. Because of this, the Supreme Court can be seen as somewhat of a latent activist, only being able to act when the situation/problem is brought to them. 

All in all, the biggest takeaway point for me regarding the newfound information of the Supreme Court, is the idea that they can never seem to escape controversy. When thinking about the Supreme Court, it is important to understand that, just like in any life occurrence, not everyone is going to have the same opinion or belief in certain decisions, but the court is not there to please everyone, it is to protect; in any way they deem necessary, whether obvious or not. 

Continuing the discussion of the latter, these videos and articles definitely changed the way I view the Supreme Court. I felt as though this in depth behind the scenes view of the inter-workings of the Supreme Court in a sense rehumanizes them to the public. As they mentioned in the video, getting the opportunity to be a part of the Supreme Court is akin to "being appointed to the supreme court is akin to being struck by lightning" . These members of the high court are getting this extraordinary experience, but at the end of the day they are just real people trying to do their job and maintain the hard earned freedom our ancestors fought for. And, ironically enough, I feel as though the Supreme Court and all its duties need to be better represented in the media. They are not this big bad legislature to be feared, rather they arguably are the most forefront and honest leaders of our nation, with their opinions are all laid out in their in decisions, dissents and all.

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